April 27 – May 1

I hope you are able to enjoy the amazing weather we are supposed to have this week but balance it with your schoolwork.  Please remember you can always email me with questions at any time.  My computer is on my kitchen table and I am constantly either on it or checking as I walk by.  This week I will only have zoom office hours on Tuesday at 9:00 and Thursday at 11:00.  If that does not work for you please let me know and we can figure something out.

Make sure you READ THROUGH THE HYPERDOC that is linked here and in google classroom.  There is an assignment you will need to link in google classroom link you did two weeks ago.

I know this is different but I hope you are finding genetics interesting!!

April 20th-24th

Hi Everyone

Welcome to week four.  I feel like time is flying.  I miss seeing your faces every day but I am happy that we are doing what is best to keep everyone healthy right now.

Please make sure before you start the work for the week that you read through the hyperdoc in google classroom.  Some of the activities are linked through the hyperdoc and I don’t want you to miss them and not do them.  As always, please email me with any questions.  I will not be able to do Monday’s zoom office hour, I have a meeting, but feel free to join me any day the rest of the week.

Here is this week’s hyperdoc

April 13th-17th, 2020

Welcome to your third week of online learning.  This week we will be looking at some key vocabulary terms when talking about genetics.  It is important that you understand all the terms so you can be successful when we work on harder material.  As always, if you have questions feel free to email me or join me for the first office hour of the day on zoom.

There are two worksheets, you can decided which of the two to do.  If you are going to work on the Spongebob worksheet, please join me in zoom at 9:00 on Tuesday so we can go over it together.  If you are doing the What’s in your genes worksheet, please join me in zoom at 10:00 on Wednesday so we can go over it together.

Here is the hyperdoc for the week that will lay out your work for the week.  Remember, everything is due by Friday at 4:00.  Have a great week!!

Wednesday April 1st, 2020

Welcome back everyone!

Please make sure you read the letter that is linked in the post below this.  It is also linked in google classroom.  Here are your assignments for this week. I will put the hyperdoc that tells you what you need to do for the week on this blog every Monday morning, everything is due by Friday at 4:00pm.   Please email me anytime with questions or join we for my office hours that are listed in the letter below.  Today I will be on zoom from 10:00 to 11:00, the link is in google classroom.  Have fun and learn lots!!!

Hyperdoc for science week one